Saturday, May 30, 2009

Life goes on

And on.

Update on the proscar, morning erections seem to be resurrecting themselves as the cage is waking me in the mornings sometimes these days. Not nearly as rampant as before but they are definitely there.

At the same time I have decided its time to shed some of the weight I have put on over the last few years and have joined the local gym. its quite amazing how quickly fitness can return and I have managed to loose a whopping 3.5KGs in 3 weeks! which is roughly a kilo per week. I guess thats what running 4Kms per day will do. I have never been obese but my tummy was definitely becoming noticeable to the point where I did need to lean forward to see ones cock...I have also cut down my alcohol consumption to hmmm about 3 glasses of wine per night...

I would really like to move to the number 4 ring on the CB6000 but while I can tolerate it a few days, I actually find that my whimpering night time arousal become painful hardons because the number 4 ring is quite tight even when completely flaccid and so it acts like a cockring making hardons really hard and difficult to get rid of, its not too tight when flaccid though, its comfortable enough as long as one is careful not to allow the skin to bunch or fold onto itself which is quite tough with this small ring. Anyone that has ever worn a chastity belt know that folded skin under the ring, while it does not hurt initially, it can suddenly become REALLY painful, so wearing the smaller ring means a lot more adjustments during the day. The nice thing about the number 4 ring is it is impossible to escape from, no way I could pull out of it, and during the day it is quite comfortable...but night time eeeck, It would be really great if there was a ring in between the 4 and 3 ring, there seems to be a huge difference in size between the 2.

Sarah ha settled into the cage wearing, this time at least she seems to be embracing it, even agreeing I should wear it during her period, I think it has finally dawned on her why and how my sexuality works....and why cage wearing is a good thing for her/us and all concerned. Its kinda scary as well because I am not sure if I want to be wearing a plastic cage for the rest of my the same time I miss it when its not strange....why would anyone wish to wear a plastic sock on their cock....and miss the ability to stroke at will, yet want to not be able to stroke at will....the conundrum still makes no sense and yet cage wearing seems to be ever increasing in popularity.

It has gone beyond kink, although I still wish there was more of that...I wish Sarah would take advantage of my situation more.

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